Seeking Out
A podcast’s visual identity.
Seeking Out is a podcast featuring everyday people with inspiring stories to tell. The podcast is founded on the belief that every single one of us has a story to tell or an experience to share that can help or inspire us, no matter what we are doing in our own lives. Seeking Out The Next Generation does what it says on the tin – shining a light on the next generations and the issues and experiences that are important to them.
The next generation is far from quiet, always demanding change and highlighting issues of injustice. I wanted to create a brand identity that was loud, punchy and energetic, taking inspiration from the visual style of activism. Think handmade lettering, colourful signage and strong messages.
The artwork changes per episode and features the signature of each of the interview subjects so it feels more personal. I was inspired by simple graffiti – the kind you get told off about when you’ve etched your name into a desk at school – how everyone wants to make their mark whether it’s Sharpied onto a bus shelter, or through positive change in the world.
I opted for a colour scheme with LOTS of options. It’s loud and unmissable, just like ‘the next generation’. I wanted the episode artwork to really stand out on podcast platforms. Additionally, I wanted to give the team working on creating social media content lots of versatility. To keep consistency and to calm the chaos, I established rules e.g. only black text on a colour and no mixing colours.
Episode promo art used across the social media platforms, giving a face to the name of the subjects.
Left to right: Episode artwork on Spotify, episode promotional art for Instagram Stories.